Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bad Blogger!

Ahh my poor blog has been neglected as of late. Life has been busy as always and I've had a pretty crazy last few months, well really this whole year has been an insane roller coaster. I will be on vacation soon enough though and I'm really looking forward to cruising down to Mexico for a couple of days away from the cold weather and will actually be unplugged (gasp!) for the trip.

But the weather has been steadily getting colder and I've found myself rotating through a slew of jackets but the leather one I got last winter has really paid off. I love that thing and wear it as much as I can. I'm also trying to delay the use of the thicker wool coats until it gets down to the 30's. We're not there yet, nor do I really want to think about it.

More shoe posts again soon! Thanks so much for stopping by :)


Faith J. said...

We're still here! :) Have funnnnn in Mexico!

K said...

Awww thanks!!! ;)